Pick a Dental Floss That Will Suit Your Needs

Are you aware that there are different types of dental floss for different individuals and needs? Oftentimes, it comes down to preference and comfort, but variations can affect your overall flossing experience. Always make sure to have a floss that does not fray...

Dry Mouth 101

Do you have a dry, sticky mouth? If so, you might have dry mouth. Dry mouth is a dental condition that involves having inadequate flow of saliva, which is pretty obvious. However, even though it’s obvious, it’s also a dangerous dental issue that can alter your oral...

How Can a Mouthguard Help You?

What do you do to keep your teeth healthy? Do you brush twice a day, visit your dentist twice a year, and floss daily? All of these things are important to your oral health—but did you know that it’s also important for you to protect your teeth while you’re playing...