Beyond Cavities: What is a Dental Exam For?

The necessary, and often unnecessarily feared, dental exam–what is it for? We all know that dentists check for cavities, but that can’t possibly take the full 30 minutes of appointment time. You’re right: it doesn’t! Your mouth is like a window into your overall...

Do You Really Need to Floss Every Day?

Do you really need to floss every day? Absolutely! Flossing every day is important for good oral health. Why, you ask? A toothbrush can get surface food debris and plaque, but it cannot reach between the teeth and up into the gums, which is where bacteria and plaque...

What’s One of Our Favorite Compliments?

“You’re the best!” “Great work!” “Coolest dentist ever!” “Wow, that didn’t hurt at all!” “My smile looks amazing thanks to you!” Those are all great compliments. But do you want to know our favorite? “You work well together.” This one is the most meaningful to us. We...