Do you Have Bruxism?

Are you frequently waking up to a sore jaw or headaches? Do you suffer with sensitive teeth and earaches throughout the day? Sadly, these could all be symptoms of bruxism, which is also commonly known as teeth grinding. This can be a serious problem that should be...

Snore Guard for Relief of Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Sleep apnea is a serious condition, causing millions of Americans to suffer from a poor night’s sleep as well as other potentially serious complications. One of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea involves chronic snoring and issues with interrupted breathing...

How to Remove Food Stuck Between Your Teeth

There are certain foods like a popcorn hull, meat fibers, seeds, and fruit peels that can get stubbornly stuck between your teeth. In some cases, these things food particles can even become lodged in the gum line. When this happens it can cause pressure, discomfort...

What to do about a Painfully Fractured Tooth

The enamel layer of each of your teeth is made up of a dense microscopic mineral crystal structure that is extremely hard. As hard as tooth enamel is there are still times when a hard fall, blow to the face or other accident can actually break off a piece or fracture...

Sensitive Teeth Need Smarter Dental Care

If you have sensitive teeth, you know how uncomfortable eating and drinking your favorite things can be. And while you know what hot or cold or sweet things cause trouble, you might not know about parts of your oral hygiene routine that could be aggravating your tooth...

Digital X-Rays 101

Digital X-rays are a safe, helpful diagnosing tool. Our dentist uses them to locate any dental issues that are difficult to detect with the naked eye. We utilize digital X-rays to: – Detect decay that is not visible with the naked eye – Locate decay...