Mouthguards Can Keep Your Teeth Safe

Mouthguards are essential when it comes to recreational fun and athletic sports. If you go without one, you are putting your teeth in oral health jeopardy that could result in an accident leading to costly and painful conditions. That is why, our team here at Andrew...

Oral Accidents and Injuries

Taking care of your teeth should occur at all times throughout the day. Although you need to brush a few minutes a day twice daily and floss a few minutes per day, your teeth are still vulnerable. Never put your mouth in harm’s way if it can be avoided. Listed below...

Pick a Dental Floss That Will Suit Your Needs

Are you aware that there are different types of dental floss for different individuals and needs? Oftentimes, it comes down to preference and comfort, but variations can affect your overall flossing experience. Always make sure to have a floss that does not fray...