How Can a Mouthguard Help You?

What do you do to keep your teeth healthy? Do you brush twice a day, visit your dentist twice a year, and floss daily? All of these things are important to your oral health—but did you know that it’s also important for you to protect your teeth while you’re playing...

Proper Oral Care for a Healthy Smile

Did you know that the acid in your mouth makes you prone to enamel decay, tooth sensitivity, cavities and tooth loss? This is because of plaque and calculus. Plaque forms on your teeth around the gum line, and can lead to gum disease, loose teeth, bad breath, pain and...

How to Scare Tooth Decay Away this Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner, which may not be a surprise to you, but it might be to your smile. Because of the sugary treats and candies available, your teeth and gums can be in grave danger this Halloween if you don’t take good care of your smile. So,...